Monday, September 19, 2011

2011 Robotics: Science and Systems Conference
    AUTHOR    = {Sachin Patil AND Jur van den Berg AND Ron Alterovitz},
    TITLE     = {Motion Planning Under Uncertainty In Highly Deformable Environments},
    BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Robotics: Science and Systems},
    YEAR      = {2011},
    ADDRESS   = {Los Angeles, CA, USA},
    MONTH     = {June}
    AUTHOR    = {Marin Kobilarov},
    TITLE     = {Cross-Entropy Randomized Motion Planning},
    BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Robotics: Science and Systems},
    YEAR      = {2011},
    ADDRESS   = {Los Angeles, CA, USA},
    MONTH     = {June}
    AUTHOR    = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya AND Maxim Likhachev AND Vijay Kumar},
    TITLE     = {Identification and Representation of Homotopy Classes of Trajectories for Search-based Path Planning in 3D},
    BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Robotics: Science and Systems},
    YEAR      = {2011},
    ADDRESS   = {Los Angeles, CA, USA},
    MONTH     = {June}
    AUTHOR    = {M. Vitus AND C. Tomlin},
    TITLE     = {Sensor Placement for Improved Robotic Navigation},
    BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Robotics: Science and Systems},
    YEAR      = {2010},
    ADDRESS   = {Zaragoza, Spain},
    MONTH     = {June}

Publications, Dae-Yeon Won

Publication List (D.Y.Won 원대연)

International Journal

  1. S.W.Shim, D.Y.Won, M.J.Tahk, K.J.Seong, E.T.Kim, "Vision-based long-range target detection using coarse-to-fine particle filter," Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Vol.228, No.11, Sep. 2014, doi: 10.1177/0954410013507911.
  2. D.Y.Won, M.J.Tahk, Y.H.Kim, H.J.Kim, "Multi-model approaches to three-axis missile autopilot design under aerodynamic roll angle uncertainty," Proc. IMechE, Part G, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, accepted for publication, June 2011.
  3. H.D.Oh, D.Y.Won, S.S.Huh, H.C.Shim, M.J.Tahk, A.Tsourdos, "Indoor UAV Control Using Multi-Camera Visual Feedback," Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, Vol.61, No.1, pp.57-84, Jan. 2011.
  4. D.Y.Won, "High efficiency vision based landing algorithm for a rotorcraft unmanned aerial vehicle," Student Journal of Automation Robotics Mechatronics Manufacturing, Vol.2, No.1, pp.45-49, 2007.

Domestic Journal

  1. D.Y.Won, S.W.Shim, K.S.Kim, M.J.Tahk, E.T.Kim, "A Track Scoring Function Development for Airborne Target Detection," International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Science, Vol.13, No.1, pp.126-132, March 2012.
  2. S.M.Ryu, D.Y.Won, C.H.Lee, M.J.tahk, "Missile Autopilot Design for Agile Turn Control During Boost-Phase," International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Science, Vol.12, No.4, pp.365-370, Dec. 2011.
  3. 원대연, 심상욱, 김금성, 탁민제, 성기정, 김응태, "다수 표적 탐지를 위한 Track-Before-Detect 알고리듬 연구," 한국항공우주학회지, 39권 9호, pp.848-857, 2011년 9월.
  4. D.W.Yoo, D.Y.Won, M.J.Tahk, "Optical Flow based Collision Avoidance of Multi-Rotor UAVs in Urban Environments," International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Vol.12, No.3, pp.252-259, Sep. 2011.
  5. D.W.Yoo, H.D.Oh, D.Y.Won, M.J.Tahk, "Dynamic Modeling and Stabilization Techniques for Tri-Rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles," International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Science, Vol.11, No.3, pp.167-174, Sep. 2010.
  6. D.Y.Won, M.J.Tahk, Y.H.Kim, "Three-Axis Autopilot Design for a High Angle-Of-Attahk Missile Using Mixed H-2/H-infinity Control," International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Science, Vol.11, No.2, pp.131-135, June 2010.
  7. H.D.Oh, D.Y.Won, S.S.Huh, H.C.Shim, M.J.Tahk, "Experimental Framework for Controller Design of a Rotorcraft Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Using Multi-Camera System," International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Science, Vol.11, No.2, pp.69-79, June 2010.
  8. D.W.Yoo, D.Y.Won, M.J.Tahk, "Conceptual Design of a Multi-Rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Based on an Axiomatic Design," International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Science, Vol.11, No.2, pp.126-130, June 2010.
  9. 원대연, 오현동, 허성식, 박봉균, 안종선, 심현철, 탁민제, "멀티카메라를 이용한 영상정보 기반의 소형무인기 실내비행시험환경 연구," 한국항공우주학회지, 37권 12호, pp.1209-1216, 2009년 12월.
  10. D.Y.Won, M.J.Tahk, E.J.Roh, S.S.Shin, "Light Source Target Detection Algorithm for Vision-based UAV Recovery," KSAS International Journal, Vol.9, No.2, pp.114-120, Nov. 2008.
  11. B.H.Choi, S.H.Kang, H.J.Kim, D.Y.Won, Y.H.Kim, B.E.Jun, J.I.Lee, "Roll-Pitch-Yaw Integrated H_inf Controller Synthesis for High Angle-of-Attack Missiles," KSAS International Journal, Vol.9, No.1, pp.66-75, May 2008.
  12. D.Y.Won, M.J.Tahk, "Attitude Stabilization of a Quad-Rotor UAV Using a Two-camera Vision System," KSAS International Journal, Vol.9, No.1, pp.76-84, May 2008.
  13. Y.H.Kim, D.Y.Won, T.H.Kim, M.J.Tahk, B.E.Jun, J.I.Lee, J.Y.An, "Integrated Roll-Pitch-Yaw Autopilot Design for Missiles," KSAS International Journal, Vol.9, No.1, pp.129-136, May 2008.

International Conference

  1. Y.H.Hwang, D.W.Yoo, D.Y.Won, M.J.Tahk, "Study on Advanced BVR Combat Maneuvers for the Improvement of Kill/Survival Probabilities," 2012 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, Jeju, Korea, Nov. 2012. 
  2. B.Y.Lee, D.Y.Won, M.J.Tahk, J.H.Moon, "Performance comparison of IMM filters for wind estimation of a fixed-wing UAV," 2012 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, Jeju, Korea, Nov. 2012.
  3. S.W.Shim, D.Y.Won,M.J.Tahk,K.J.Seong, E.T.Kim, "Hidden Markov Model Parameter Estimation for Multiple Dim Target Detection," 28th International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences, Brisbane, Australia, Sep. 2012.
  4. D.Y.Won, A.H.Goktogan, S.Sukkarieh, M.J.Tahk, "View Planning of a Multi-rotor Unmanned Air Vehicle for Tree Modeling Using Silhouette-based Shape Estimation," The 12th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS-12), pp.519-531, Jeju ICC, June 2012.
  5. Y.H.Hwang, D.Y.Won, M.J.Tahk, "LiDAR-Based Terrain Safety Assessment for Spacecraft Landing," 63rd International Astronautical Congress, Naples, Italy, 2012.
  6. D.Y.Won, M.J.Tahk, H.J.Kim, "A Multi-Model Approach to Gain-Scheduling Control for Agile Missile Autopilot Design," 18th IFAC World Congress, pp.7462-7467, Milano, Italy, Aug. 2011.
  7. D.W.Yoo, D.Y.Won, M.J.Tahk, "Vision Based Collision Avoidance of Multi-Rotor UAVs using Optical Flow," 3rd Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, Melbourne, Australia, Feb. 2011.
  8. D.Y.Won, M.J.Tahk, K.Y.Kim, "Robust Gain Scheduling Technique for an Agile Missile Subject to Mass Variation," Intenational Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, KINTEX, Gyeonggi-do, Korea, Oct. 2010.
  9. D.Y.Won, H.D.Oh, S.S.Huh, H.C.Shim, M.J.Tahk, "Multiple UAV Tracking Algorithm for the Multi-Camera System," Intenational Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, KINTEX, Gyeonggi-do, Korea, Oct. 2010.
  10. D.Y.Won, K.S.Kim, S.W.Shim, M.J.Tahk, "Dynamic Programming-Based Multiple Point Target Detection Using K-means Clustering Algorithm," 2010 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, Xi, Sep. 2010.
  11. D.W.Yoo, H.D.Oh, D.Y.Won, M.J.Tahk, "Dynamic Modeling and Control System Design for Tri-rotor UAV," The 3rd International Symposium on Systems and Control in Aeronautics and Astronautics (ISSCAA 2010), Harbin, China, June 2010.
  12. S.M.Ryu, D.Y.Won, C.H.Lee, M.J.Tahk, "High Angle of Attack Missile Autopilot Design by Pole Placement Approach," The 3rd International Symposium on Systems and Control in Aeronautics and Astronautics (ISSCAA 2010), Harbin, China, June 2010.
  13. H.D.Oh, D.Y.Won, S.S.Huh, H.C.Shim, M.J.Tahk, "Indoor UAV Control Using Multi-Camera Visual Feedback," 3rd International Symposium on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Dubai, UAE, June 2010.
  14. D.Y.Won, D.W.Yoo, M.J.Tahk, "Conceptual Design of Tri-Rotor Rotorcraft Based on Axiomatic Design," 2nd International Forum on Rotorcraft Multidisciplinary Technology, Renaissance Seoul Hotel, Oct. 2009.
  15. H.D.Oh, D.Y.Won, S.S.Huh, B.G.Park, H.C.Shim, M.J.Tahk, "Indoor UAV Pose Estimation from Multi-Camera System Using EKF," 2nd International Symposium on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Reno, Nevada, June 2009.
  16. D.Y.Won, M.J.Tahk, "Light Source Target Design for Vision-based Blended Wing Body UAV Recovery," SICE Annual Conference 2008, pp.2612-2615, The University Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japa, Aug. 2008.
  17. S.H.Kang, H.J.Kim, D.Y.Won, M.J.Tahk, J.I.Lee, B.E.Jun, "Robust Roll-Pitch-Yaw Integrated Autopilot for a High Angle-of-Attack Missile," AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference and Exhibit, Honolulu, Hawaii, Aug. 2008.
  18. J.S.Lee, D.Y.Won, M.J.Tahk, "Vision-based shipboard landing algorithm for a rotorcraft unmanned aerial vehicle," 2007 KSAS-JSASS Joint Symposium on Aerospace Engineering, Kokura, Japan, Oct. 2007.
  19. S.J.Lee, H.C.Lee, D.Y.Won, and H.C.Bang, "Backstepping approach of trajectory tracking control for the mid-altitude unmanned airship," AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit, South Carolina, Aug. 2007.
  20. D.Y.Won, M.J.Tahk, "Sliding Mode Controller Design for a Quad-Rotor Attitude Stabilization," Tokyo Tech – KAIST Joint Workshop, Tokyo, Feb. 2007.
  21. D.Y.Won, M.J.Tahk, "Dynamic Modeling and Attitude Stabilization of the Quadrotor UAV," 3rd International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Matsushima, Japan, Nov. 2006.
  22. D.Y.Won, M.J.Tahk, "Techniques of UAV formation flying," Kyushu-KAIST Joint Workshop on MAE, Kyushu, Japan, Nov. 2005.

Domestic Conference

  1. 유동완, 정민규, 원대연, 탁민제, 권오준, "소형 멀티-로터 방식 비행체 공력 해석을 위한 실험적/수치적 연구," 한국항공우주학회 2011년도 춘계학술발표회, 경주 코오롱 호텔, 2011년 4월.
  2. 안종선, 원대연, 이동협, 탁민제, "다대다 공대공 교전 M&S 소프트웨어 개발을 위한 아키텍처 패턴 연구," 2010 한국항공우주학회 추계학술발표회, pp.400-403, 라마다프라자 제주호텔, 2010년 11월.
  3. 유동완, 원대연, 탁민제, "Optical Flow를 이용한 멀티-로터 무인항공기의 영상기반 충돌회피 기법 연구," 2010 한국항공우주학회 추계학술발표회, pp.494-497, 라마다프라자 제주호텔, 2010년 11월.
  4. 심 상욱, 원대연, 이창훈, 탁민제, 성기정, 김응태, "Sub-Window 기반 HMM 필터를 이용한 다수 표적 탐지 기법," 2010 한국항공우주학회 추계학술발표회, pp.639-642, 라마다프라자 제주호텔, 2010년 11월.
  5. 김 금성, 원대연, 심상욱, 탁민제, 성기정, 김응태, "K-means 알고리즘을 이용한 동적 계획법 기반의 다중 표적 검출," 2010 한국항공우주학회 추계학술발표회, pp.643-646, 라마다프라자 제주호텔, 2010년 11월.
  6. 유동완, 원대연, 탁민제, "슬라이딩 모드 제어를 이용한 멀티-로터 무인항공기 3축 자세제어 실험연구," 한국군사과학기술학회 2010년 종합학술대회, pp.1259-1262, 제주컨벤션센터, 2010년 6월.
  7. 이동협, 안종선, 원대연, 신효상, 탁민제, "다대다 공대공 교전 논리 연구: UML 프레임워크 적용을 위한 초기 분석," 한국군사과학기술학회 2010년 종합학술대회, pp.188-190, 제주컨벤션센터, 2010년 6월.
  8. 원대연, 류선미, 이창훈, 탁민제, "유도탄의 무게중심 변화를 고려한 선형행렬부등식 기반 강건 제어기 설계," 2010년도 ICROS 학술대회, 강원대학교, 2010년 5월.
  9. 유동완, 원대연, 오현동, 심현철, 탁민제, "멀티-로터 방식 비행체의 제어시스템 설계를 위한 실험적 프레임워크 연구," 2010년도 ICROS 학술대회, 강원대학교, 2010년 5월.
  10. 오현동, 원대연, 탁민제, 심현철, "운동 구속조건을 고려한 영상정보 기반의 소형 무인기 자세 추정," 2009 한국항공우주학회 추계학술발표회, pp.738-741, 경주 코오롱 호텔, 2009년 11월.
  11. 유동완, 원대연, 탁민제, "트라이-로터 무인항공기 동역학 모델링 및 제어시스템 설계 연구," 2009 한국자동제어학술회의, 부산 BEXCO, 2009년 9월.
  12. 원대연, 김윤환, 탁민제, "혼합 H2/H∞제어를 이용한 고앙각 유도탄의 3축 자동조종장치 설계," 2009 한국자동제어학술회의, pp.461-464, 부산, BEXCO, 2009년 9월.
  13. 박봉균, 원대연, 탁민제, 심현철, "멀티카메라 시스템 기반 실내 소형비행체 자세 제어를 위한 다중 센서 융합 연구," 2009 한국자동제어학술회의, 부산 BEXCO, 2009년 9월.
  14. 오현동, 원대연, 허성식, 안종선, 박봉균, 심현철, 탁민제, "멀티카메라 시스템을 이용한 실내용 무인 항공기 자세 추정," 2009 한국자동제어학술회의, 부산 BEXCO, 2009년 9월.
  15. 원대연, 오현동, 허성식, 박봉균, 안종선, 심현철, 탁민제, "멀티-로터 방식 비행체 제어기법 연구를 위한 실내비행테스트 환경 개발," 제17회 지상무기학술대회, 대전 컨벤션 센터, 2009년 9월.
  16. 원대연, 탁민제, "공리적 설계 방법을 이용한 멀티-로터 방식 비행체의 초기개념설계," 2009 한국항공우주학회 춘계학술발표회, pp.539-542, 강원 평창 한화리조트, 2009년 4월.
  17. 김윤환, 원대연, 탁민제, "유도탄의 오토파일럿 제어이득 최적화를 위한 성능함수 결정," 2008 한국항공우주학회 추계학술발표회, pp.1010-1013, 라마다프라자 제주호텔, 2008년 11월.
  18. 원 대연, 허성식, 박봉균, 오현동, 심현철, 탁민제, "멀티카메라 시스템을 이용한 실내 소형무인기 테스트베드 예비 연구," 2008 한국항공우주학회 추계학술발표회, pp.1014-1018, 라마다프라자 제주호텔, 2008년 11월.
  19. 원대연, 최대형, 탁민제, "쿼드-로터 방식 비행체 3자유도 제어 테스트베드 설계 및 제작," 제3회 군사용 로봇 워크샵, pp.177-180, 창원, 2008년 10월.
  20. 박봉균, 원대연, 허성식, 탁민제, "도심환경에서 Optical Flow를 이용한 무인 항공기의 장애물 회피," 제어자동화시스템 심포지엄, pp.30-33, 서울 COEX, 2008년 10월.
  21. 원대연, 최대형, 탁민제, 이종혁, 권오준, "쿼드-로터 방식 비행체 개념 설계," 2008 한국항공우주학회 춘계학술발표회, pp.197-201, 보광 휘닉스파크, 2008년 4월.
  22. H.S.Shin, D.Y.Won, M.J.Tahk, "강인 외란 관측기를 이용한 비선형 편대 유도법칙 연구," 제14차 유도무기 학술대회, pp.247-251, 대전, 한국, 2007년 11월.
  23. D.Y.Won, M.J.Tahk, "Attitude Stabilization of a Quad-Rotor UAV Using Sliding Mode Controller," 2007 제어자동화시스템 심포지엄, 부산, May 2007.

M.S. Thesis

  1. D.Y.Won, Dynamic Modeling and Control System Design for a Quad-Rotor UAV, KAIST, Feb. 2008, M.S. Thesis (Advisor: M.J.Tahk).

Automatic gain scheduling control


[1] Fixed Structure Methods for Flight Control Analysis and Automated Gain Scheduling
P Miotto - NASA, 1997 -

[2] Automatic tuning and gain scheduling for pH control

[3] Complex Stability Radius for Automatic Design of Gain-Scheduled Control Part II: Example on Autopilot Design Autonomous Robots and Agents
Studies in Computational Intelligence, 2007, Volume 76/2007, 251-258, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-73424-6_29
Rini Akmeliawati and Iven M. Y. Mareels

[4] Automated gain scheduling for level flight stability augmentation using continuation techniques
Sinha, Nandan Kumar (Indian Inst. of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India),Jangid, Mamta (Indian Inst. of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India )Ananthkrishnan, N. (Indian Inst. of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India )
2003 AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference 

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Catalyst: Honey bee aerobatics - ABC TV Science

Catalyst: Honey bee aerobatics - ABC TV Science

Inspired research on honey bee flight via optical flow.
I enjoyed watching the way they do with bees and UAVs.

Professor Mandyam Srinivasan

Current collaborations

  • Dario Floreano, Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne, Switzerland: Biologically inspired robotics
  • Marie Dacke, University of Lund: Honeybee navigation
  • Thomas Labhart, University of Zurich: Polarization vision in honeybee navigation
  • Jonathan Roberts, CSIRO, Brisbane: Robotics
  • Jochen Zeil, Australian National University: Insect vision and homing

Selected publications

  • M.V. Srinivasan, R.J.D. Moore, S. Thurrowgood, D, Soccol and D. Bland (in press) From biology to engineering: Insect vision and applications to robotics. In: Frontiers in Sensing, F.G. Barth, J.G.C. Humphrey and M.V. Srinivasan (eds), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  • M.V. Srinivasan (2011) Honeybees as a model for the study of visually guided flight, navigation, and biologically inspired robotics. Physiological Reviews 91, 389-411.P. Kraft, C. Evangelista, M. Dacke, T. Labhart and M. V. Srinivasan (2011) Honeybee navigation: Following routes using polarized-light cues. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B. 366, 703-708.
  • C. Evangelista, P. Kraft, M. Dacke, J. Reinhard and M.V. Srinivasan (2010) The moment before touchdown: Landing manoeuvres of the honeybee Apis mellifera. Journal of Experimental Biology 213, 262-270.
  • M.V. Srinivasan, S. Thurrowgood and D. Soccol (2009) From flying insects to autonomously navigating robots. IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, Special Issue on Cognitive Robotics. 16(3): 59-71.
  • S.W. Zhang, F. Bock, A. Si, J. Tautz and M.V. Srinivasan (2005) Visual working memory in decision making by honeybees. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 102, 5250-5255. 
  • M.V. Srinivasan, S.W. Zhang and B. Rolfe (1993) Pattern vision in insects: "cortical" processing? Nature 362, 539-540. 
  • M. Lehrer, M.V. Srinivasan, S.W. Zhang and G.A. Horridge (1988) Motion cues provide the bee's visual world with a third dimension. Nature 332, 356-357. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

figure settings in Matlab

set(0,'defaultAxesFontName', 'Times New Roman');

set(0,'defaultTextFontName', 'Times New Roman');

set(0,'defaultAxesFontSize', 13);

set(0,'defaultTextFontSize', 13);

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Latex equations

Frequently required (for me)

  • Multiple lines equations - eqnarray with \nonumber 
  • Braces over several lines - \Bigg( ... \Bigg)
