Thursday, July 14, 2011

c++ secure library - from visual studio 2005

_s ==> secure library

  1. sprintf_s, _sprintf_s_l, swprintf_s, _swprintf_s_l 
    • MSDN:
    • Korean blogs:
  2. fopen_s, _wfopen_s 
    • MSDN:
    • Korean blogs:
  3. Examples from MSDN
    • // crt_sprintf_s.c
      // This program uses sprintf_s to format various
      // data and place them in the string named buffer.
      #include <stdio.h>
      int main( void )
         char  buffer[200], s[] = "computer", c = 'l';
         int   i = 35, j;
         float fp = 1.7320534f;
         // Format and print various data: 
         j  = sprintf_s( buffer, 200,     "   String:    %s\n", s );
         j += sprintf_s( buffer + j, 200 - j, "   Character: %c\n", c );
         j += sprintf_s( buffer + j, 200 - j, "   Integer:   %d\n", i );
         j += sprintf_s( buffer + j, 200 - j, "   Real:      %f\n", fp );
         printf_s( "Output:\n%s\ncharacter count = %d\n", buffer, j );
      #include <stdio.h>
      FILE *stream, *stream2;
      int main( void )
         int numclosed;
         errno_t err;
         // Open for read (will fail if file "crt_fopen_s.c" does not exist)
         if( (err  = fopen_s( &stream, "crt_fopen_s.c", "r" )) !=0 )
            printf( "The file 'crt_fopen_s.c' was not opened\n" );
            printf( "The file 'crt_fopen_s.c' was opened\n" );
         // Open for write 
         if( (err = fopen_s( &stream2, "data2", "w+" )) != 0 )
            printf( "The file 'data2' was not opened\n" );
            printf( "The file 'data2' was opened\n" );
         // Close stream if it is not NULL 
         if( stream)
            if ( fclose( stream ) )
               printf( "The file 'crt_fopen_s.c' was not closed\n" );
         // All other files are closed:
         numclosed = _fcloseall( );
         printf( "Number of files closed by _fcloseall: %u\n", numclosed );

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